Useful Links
Mental Health Crisis Care and Emergency Links
In case of emergency or if you are in danger call 000 or contact the Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) on 1300 555 788. MHERL is staffed by experience mental health practitioners and can be accessed 24 hours a day. You may also present to any Emergency Department.
For mental health support, please contact your GP and ask for a Mental Health Appointment or your local mental health community clinic.
Call Centres for Times of Crisis, Suicidal and Self-harm Thoughts at Any Age
Lifeline Australia
Offers 24/7 support for emotional distress and suicidal thoughts for all Australians.
Online chat available.
Phone: 13 11 14 or text 0477 131 114
Nationwide service providing phone and web based support to people affected by suicide – either at risk themselves or you know someone who is at risk.
Phone: 1300 659 467
Offers 24/7 support for anxiety, depression, distress and suicidal thoughts, either via phone or chat online.
Online chat available.
Phone: 1300 22 4636
Offers 24/7 support for emotional distress and suicidal thoughts for all Australians.
For anonymous emotional support for adults 18+ between 8am-8pm.
Phone: 135 247
Offers 24/7 support for men and boys dealing with family and relationship difficulties.
Phone: 1300 789 978
Child and Youth Specific Services
For anonymous emotional support for children and youth aged up to 18, between 8am-8pm
Phone: 1800 198 313
Call centre offering support for kids, youth and young adults (5-25 years old).
Online chat available.
Phone: 1800 551 800
Emergency telehealth service for mental health assessments up to 18 years old.
Open from 8am to 2.30am seven days a week.
Phone: 1800 048 636
Access to Therapy and Counselling Programs
ALIVE suicide prevention in Perth
For ages 17+ with intensive interventions for therapy and counselling available.
Phone: 1300 706 922
Online support and counselling for ages 12-25.
Phone: (08) 9301 8900
For adults over 18 years with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma.
Phone: 1800 187 263
Domestic Violence Help
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Support for women experiencing family and domestic violence. Can refer to safe accommodation if required.
Phone: 1800 007 339 or (08) 9223 1188
Phone: 1800 737 732
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Also provides access to men’s accommodation.
Phone: 1800 000 599 or (08) 9223 1199
Homelessness Support
24 hour emergency contacts for child and youth services including child protection, family support, domestic and family services including homelessness/sleeping in car/couch surfing; and escaping family/domestic violence.
Phone: 1800 199 008